Tuesday, January 24, 2012

God Hath Provided-Part 2

 God has provided for me & my entire family everything we needed during this process; also perfect timing.
     First: God put on my heart to go to Valdosta on the spur of the moment to see my parents instead on
                   waiting until the middle of Feb.

     Second: Me, being at home Thursday morning to give Mother a hug as she told me the news-Daddy
                         was thinking of having no more treatments & wanted to turn off the defibrillator on his
                         pace maker.  I had to really process that information.  First set of tears.

     Thirdly: Mr. Christian, who has been a close family friend, was already in the hospital elevator
                          going to see Daddy.  He had not even known of the news concerning Daddy.  In fact, no
                          one had.  I told him as we walked down the hallway together going into Daddy's room.
                          The dam burst within my heart, & soul.

      Fourth: As I walked into the hospital room to see Daddy for the first time, there were two men I
                         didn't know.  I wish so much they had not been there when  I saw Daddy.  Just to look at
                         him I began to cry all over again.  I was excited that I had made cinnamon raisin bread for
                         Mother & Daddy before I left AR.  I had taken the bread to Daddy, thinking he would
                         enjoy some for breakfast.  Daddy did want a huge slice with melted butter & jelly.
                         Joyfully, I went to prepare the bread as he visited his friends.

       Fifth: As I walk back into the hospital room, I heard the news that would change my life-
                      Daddy is NOT receiving any more blood treatments for his leukemia & WILL BE calling on
                      Hospice that day.  Many more tears.  Finally, everyone left so he & I could talk.

        Sixth: When I got home from the hospital, there was a dear friend of mine & my Mother's-Francis
                        Hatcher.  She had come over to help Mother hang some pictures over their bed.  As I saw
                        her, another damn broke within my heart.  She gave us such words of encouragement.  I
                        knew that she was going to be there for Mother after I left.  They have such a close bond of
                        friendship.  The biggest comfort at the time was 1) God giving me confirmation on moving
                        to AR & 2) that Francis would look after Mother since I could not be there.  I was & still am
                        struggling that I don't live closer, but God is sovereign.

     Mother & I went back to the hospital that afternoon to sit with Daddy & to help him with dinner.  He was not in any pain.  In fact, he was very jovial & it was almost witnessing him being on cloud 9.  He was in a party mood; packing his bags & getting ready to go to heaven.  As he was having his dinner, he mentioned, "Well, I don't have to get my tooth that is bothering me fixed any more; & I can eat anything I want."  I then said, "You sure can, & soon you will be eating at the banqueting table."

The Party continues....

         ann :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reality-Part 1

On Monday, 1/2/2012, I believe the Lord put on my heart that I should go back to Valdosta for a long weekend visit.

Tuesday was a busy day: getting errands done, some cleaning after undecorating from Christmas, keeping the grand baby (with help) & making bread.  I wanted to surprise Mother & Daddy, & the Registers with some of my cinnamon raisin bread.  This bread I ground the wheat myself.  I didn't even have time to wash the dinner dishes or pack.  Also, I realized in making my plans for the trip that I was going to have to drive straight through (13 hr) due to Brittany was not going to be in Birmingham.  Stopping in Birmingham is my half way point. I love staying with Brittany & her roomie.  I enjoy them, get some sleep & the trip isn't as physically draining.

On Wed. 4th, I was up by 3:45 am.  I still needed to pack.  Packing took me way longer than I ever dreamed it would be.  I'm now running at least a half hour behind.  A few minutes before walking out the door; Dave said,"You better pack some funeral clothes."  The only thought that came to my mind was, "Yeah, right."

Truffle & I finally got on the road by 5:30 am.  About 7:00 am the glorious sunrise began.  It was like the preshow for the day.  The ski was full of a beautiful ray of colors, along with the sun coming over the horizon was something to behold that morning.  I have a special play list labeled morning worship on my iPod Touch.  Some of the songs that I was worshiping with as I was enjoying this sunrise were "We Shall Behold Him", & "It Was A Morning Like This" by Sandi Patti.  Too perfect.

As I was going into Memphis, I had a chance to talk to my dear childhood friend Kay Wiggins Adham.  Her father just past away the day after Christmas.  We visited for about an hour.  After our visit, I got the news that Mother & Daddy had gotten up the same time as I did this morning & Daddy was in the hospital.  Daddy was admitted due to dehydration & renal failure.  Talking about a God thing of getting me on the road.  I am so glad I now planned to go straight through.  I finally got in to Valdosta about 7:00 pm.  I thought it was strange that Daddy's truck was gone.  Found out that the car was sold today.  Things were changing too fast.  Still another God thing or I should say, a God need was met.

In Nov. Daddy was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia.  His doctor told him that he would have about three years to live with treatments.  Also, Daddy had dealt with few heart problems, one being congestive heart failure.  Daddy firmly believed, when he had gotten the news of the leukemia, that God was calling him home.  So even though Daddy was in the hospital, my mind was more on his Congestive Heart Failure, which is what he was admitted to the hospital for & not the leukemia.

As I was getting ready on Thurs. morning to go see Daddy, Mother came home from the hospital.  She told me that Daddy was thinking about refusing anymore blood treatments because these treatments were prolonging his life.  The doctor then said we might need to think about calling in Hospice.  By the time I got to the hospital, the decision was definite-no more treatments & we were calling in Hospice.  Reality really hit me.  I'm losing my Daddy.  The tears flowed like a river fall the next couple of days.  The doctor told us that Daddy had two to three weeks & for me not to go back home.  I'm here for the duration.
                                                             ann :)