First: God put on my heart to go to Valdosta on the spur of the moment to see my parents instead on
waiting until the middle of Feb.
Second: Me, being at home Thursday morning to give Mother a hug as she told me the news-Daddy
was thinking of having no more treatments & wanted to turn off the defibrillator on his
pace maker. I had to really process that information. First set of tears.
Thirdly: Mr. Christian, who has been a close family friend, was already in the hospital elevator
going to see Daddy. He had not even known of the news concerning Daddy. In fact, no
one had. I told him as we walked down the hallway together going into Daddy's room.
The dam burst within my heart, & soul.
Fourth: As I walked into the hospital room to see Daddy for the first time, there were two men I
didn't know. I wish so much they had not been there when I saw Daddy. Just to look at
him I began to cry all over again. I was excited that I had made cinnamon raisin bread for
Mother & Daddy before I left AR. I had taken the bread to Daddy, thinking he would
enjoy some for breakfast. Daddy did want a huge slice with melted butter & jelly.
Joyfully, I went to prepare the bread as he visited his friends.
Fifth: As I walk back into the hospital room, I heard the news that would change my life-
Daddy is NOT receiving any more blood treatments for his leukemia & WILL BE calling on
Hospice that day. Many more tears. Finally, everyone left so he & I could talk.
Sixth: When I got home from the hospital, there was a dear friend of mine & my Mother's-Francis
Hatcher. She had come over to help Mother hang some pictures over their bed. As I saw
her, another damn broke within my heart. She gave us such words of encouragement. I
knew that she was going to be there for Mother after I left. They have such a close bond of
friendship. The biggest comfort at the time was 1) God giving me confirmation on moving
to AR & 2) that Francis would look after Mother since I could not be there. I was & still am
struggling that I don't live closer, but God is sovereign.
Mother & I went back to the hospital that afternoon to sit with Daddy & to help him with dinner. He was not in any pain. In fact, he was very jovial & it was almost witnessing him being on cloud 9. He was in a party mood; packing his bags & getting ready to go to heaven. As he was having his dinner, he mentioned, "Well, I don't have to get my tooth that is bothering me fixed any more; & I can eat anything I want." I then said, "You sure can, & soon you will be eating at the banqueting table."
The Party continues....
ann :)